Kiteschools in Auckland
There are a few kiteschools in the Auckland area and they all operate at the same spot.
Point Chevalier:
Only 10 minutes from the CBD this is a very convenient spot to come to after work. It works with any wind from the west (westerlies are the prevailing winds here) and at any tide.
There is a nice little park with a grass area to rig up on and on a high tide you can jump right into the water. On a low tide however you can be walking for about 10 minutes to get to the water.
The wind here is always gusty as it comes rolling over the Waitakere Range without much space to clear up. The water is usually choppy unless you manage to catch the tide 2 hours before or after high tide. This is when a nice little sand bar separates a small area leaving it nice and flat for about an hour.

Learning how to kitesurf at Point Chevalier
If you take your lessons at Point Chevalier and manage to get up and riding consistently upwind you are going to be able to ride anywhere after that!
During your lessons you will most likely experience all kinds of wind speeds. Being able to read the weather is important here as white rain fronts can approach you out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly as they arrived.
With the ever changing conditions you will not just learn how to kitesurf but also how to withstand changing condition, what to do when you are suddenly overpowered, how to relaunch your kite out of awkward positions after the wind shifts or drops. You will also learn how to perform a drift launch since it is quite a walk to the water on a low tide and with everyone on the water or hanging out back at the park, there is usually no one there to give you a launch.
To get the best out of your session as a beginner it is recommended to check the tides before heading out. The water can be too deep on a high tide and the mud can be too deep on a low tide, leaving you struggling if you can’t stay upwind.

Sounds horrible?
To be honest, learning how to kitesurf is horrible here sometimes. There are quite a few days during summer, though, where the wind is nice and clean and you can have a great session here.
Also with the tide not too high or too low you have plenty of space in knee to hip deep water to work on your upwind riding skills.
You also learn how to assess your location and conditions, be prepared for quick changes in the wind and weather and adapt to what Mother Nature throws at you.
Progression might be a little bit slower here compared to other locations, but if you can learn how to kitesurf here and become an independent kitesurfer, you will be able to ride anywhere.